Except when your BlackJackII is broken. My phone is still "cut off" for those of you who don't know. Just an F.Y.I. Its kind of pissing me off that AT&T has not fixed it yet, every time I go and see if its ready they say, "Oh, it'll prolly be one more day." BULL HONKY! I want/need my phone. I think I'm gonna go get it and take matters into my own hands. It can't be that hard to fix a phone, right? Right?
I like when my friends come over while i'm napping. Lead themselves to my room where I am in a deep slumber. Take pictures of me with morning wood and yawns. Lolz! Crystal Castles Rule!!!
Want to make me fall in love with you? Tell you a secret? Give you $1?
Show up to my house with a box full of these bad boys!
These are the GotDanged Greastest things ever to put into your mouf. I just had like three of these fresh out the microwave. Me thinks I just creamed my panties they are so delicious.
being bored gets you no where...and fast...but luck-ahh-lee i can do dumb shit like blog about it..and come up with new throwies and do a mad roll call..role call..row call.. anywho nothing new other then dumb shit you dont care to hear..later dudes.p.s. i want some coffee..
NO FUCKEN' BRAINER!i think i fell in love with penelope when i saw that movie where she has to hide her dead husband.. i did not really care to much for that movie but when she sat on that toilet..OMG brother...thats all i really remember about that movie..how can some one look soo good falling off a couch? legs.
Emily Blunt. She looks good. Even in a bonnet, 'nuff said.
These are kind of nutty...I have a lot of time to kill so I watched them all. Pretty sad when I'm doing this on a day off from work, but I did go out last night.
So, the other day I ran out of gas on I-20 because I forgot I was on "E"*, and like a dumb-ass my car staled out, surprisingly. I was on my way to eat some lunch with DiRad and Congo himself. We just so happened to stale fairly close to a RaceTrac. So, I decide all to myself NOT to call for help, but to attempt to run across the other side of traffic. Being the good pal Congo is, he went with. Let me tell you something about standing next to cars on 20. THEY GO FUCKING FAAAAAASSSSSST!!! It's way more intense up close. Luckily some odd ball came and saved us.
Yesterday and the beginning of today have been pretty strange. For starters I woke up fregggggging exhausted like I was waking up from taking sleeping pills, but I didn't and I got a reasonable amount of sleep last night. Second I saw Matt Vincent today and watched Sasquatch videos with him and Di, while we rated poops. Went to PF Changs and Pei Wei. Hung out with Ric here at home and watch Jim Gaffigan's "King Baby" comedy show...HILARIOUS! It's my Pops birthday and still don't know what he wants. Watched "Gummo", that's enough weird things for one day. I'll end the night with one more weird thing.